Get your partner’s Reply

Your partner has 10 days to reply to anything in your Form 10: Answer that is a new issue or claim by filling out Form 10A: Reply.

For example, if you said that your partner has a drug problem, and they didn't say anything about this in their Form 8: Application, they can a Reply that addresses that issue. The Reply should not contain any new issues.

You don't get a chance to respond to your partner's reply.

Your partner doesn't have to fill out Form 10A: Reply. If they don't, it means they don't agree with what you've said in your Answer.

Your partner can you by or . Serve your documents below explains how they do this.

See Count time below to understand how to calculate days or time correctly. This is important because court staff may not accept your partner's documents if they haven't followed the rules.

How to:

Count time

Serve your documents

Reviewed: March 20, 2023
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