Prepare your Answer

To respond to your partner's claims, or what they're asking for, you have to fill out Form 10: Answer. The form should be in the documents your partner served. If it isn't, you can find it and any other family law court form, from the courthouse or online.

All forms are available in French and English.

In Form 10: Answer, you tell the court:

  • which of your partner's orders you agree with, if any, and which ones you don't agree with
  • any other orders you would like the court to make, with facts and reasons for each order you're asking for

For example, you may agree to your partner's and plans, but disagree with the amount of they're asking for. And, you may want to ask for . Decision-making responsibility and parenting time used to be called and .

Or, if your partner has asked the court to make all the decisions for your child, you can tell the court why you don't agree with that and why you would like to share decision-making responsibility.

The other forms you need to fill depend on what you, or your partner, are asking for.

Support and dividing property

Decision-making responsibility and parenting time

Reviewed: March 20, 2023
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