Serve your Answer

You have 30 days to fill out, , and your Form 10: Answer and an updated table of contents. But, you can ask the court for more time to fill out your Answer by bringing a regular . You should speak to the or before the 30 days are over to find out how to do this. The Step How to bring a regular motion explains how to do this.

You serve your partner by or . Serve your documents below explains how to do this.

You may also have to serve any other person or agency that is connected to what your case is about. For example, if you're asking for or and you're getting or you've got social benefits like Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program, the Ministry of Community and Social Services needs to know about your case. Serve your documents on the Ministry of Community and Social Services below explains how to do this.

See Count time below to understand how to calculate days or time correctly. This is important because court staff may not accept your documents if you haven't followed the rules.

How to:

Count time

Serve your documents

Serve your documents on the Ministry of Community and Social Services

Reviewed: March 20, 2023
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