Glossary - Human Rights
In Getting help in Housing law, Legal help and information, Working with your lawyer, Making a complaint, Housing Law, Housing Law, Evictions, Rent, Health and safety, Privacy, Renting a new place to live, Leases and agreements, Rent, fees and deposits, Discrimination, Paying rent, Rent deposits, Rates and increases, Behind or unable to pay rent, Lease ending, Repairs and maintenance, Landlord and tenant responsibilities, Heat and utilities, Repairs, Complaints, Privacy and harassment, Harassment, Locks, Guests, Cutting off services, Human rights in housing, Types of discrimination, Human rights complaints, Moving out, Getting out of a lease or rental agreement, Giving notice, Lease ending, Home sold, Retirement or care homes, Rent deposit, Your belongings after you move out, Eviction, No-fault eviction, Eviction for tenant conduct, Eviction because of rent, Lease ending, Home sold, Eviction process at the Landlord and Tenant Board, Eviction orders , Eviction hearings, Eviction notices, Tenant applications to the Landlord and Tenant Board, Settling your case, Hearings at the Landlord and Tenant Board , How to apply to the LTB, Issues the LTB can deal with, Tenant organizing, Getting legal help in Housing Law, Legal help and information, Working with your lawyer, Making a complaint, Discrimination in housing, Human rights complaints, Rental Applications, Disability
A declaration is a written statement. The person making the statement must sign it. They must also promise that:
- the statement is true,
- there’s nothing misleading or false in it, and
- they have not deliberately forgotten to include any important information.
In Employment and Work, Housing Law, Human Rights
In Ontario’s human rights laws, the term disability includes many conditions. For example, a disability can be a physical condition, a mental condition, a learning disability, a developmental disability, or a mental illness. Disability also includes being addicted to or dependent on drugs or alcohol.
You could be born with a disability. Or, you could have a disability because you were sick or injured.
In Employment and Work, Housing Law, Human Rights, Income Assistance, Tribunals and Courts
Discrimination happens when an employer, landlord, service provider, or organization you are a member of harasses you, treats you differently or unfairly, or refuses to accommodate you because of personal differences that are listed in the Human Rights Code. Examples of personal differences include a person’s ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability.
Examples of discrimination include when an employer refuses to accommodate your disability in a way that would not cause them undue hardship. Or a landlord refuses to rent to you because of your ethnic origin. Or a travel agent refuses to serve you because of your sexual orientation. Or a trade union refuses to let you join because of your disability.