Joint borrowers are people who sign an agreement to borrow money together. For example, a couple may jointly submit a credit card application or sign a loan agreement. Joint borrowers are equally responsible for paying back the entire amount of the loan. They are sometimes called ‘co-borrowers’. A joint borrower is not the same as a guarantor.
In Family Law
Joint custody is a type of custody where both parents must agree on important decisions that affect their child. It includes decisions about the child’s health, education, and religion. One parent cannot decide these things without the other parent agreeing.
Other people, for example, grandparents, can also apply to the court for custody.
A joint debt is a debt that you owe with another person. For example, a mortgage you co-signed with a spouse or partner is a joint debt. Everyone on a joint debt is responsible for paying back the full amount of the debt.
In Criminal Law
A joint position means that you and the Crown both agree on the terms of the sentence to recommend to the judge at a sentencing hearing. A judge will usually accept a joint position, unless the agreement is clearly unreasonable.
In Wills and Powers of Attorney
Joint tenancy is a way for 2 or more people to own real property together. When one of the owners dies, their share of the property goes directly to the other owners. It does not usually go into the estate of the person who died. This means that it’s not affected by their will or by the intestacy rules.
When you apply for a judicial review, you ask the Federal Court to review a decision because there was a big legal or factual mistake in that decision. This is called asking the Federal Court for “leave”. If the Federal Court agrees, it will have an oral hearing to discuss the decision. The court can review decisions made by the 4 divisions of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).
An employer may say they have “just cause” to fire you. If they do have just cause, they don’t have to give you notice of termination.
A court might decide that your employer had just cause if you did something that was serious misconduct or you failed almost completely to do your job. The court looks at all the circumstances, including how long you have worked for the employer.
In Criminal Law, Types of Offences, Bail, Probation, and Court Attendance, Assault, Driving, Drugs, Firearms, Gender-based violence, Harassment, Mischief, Theft, Threats, Victims and witnesses
A Justice of the Peace (JP) is similar to a judge but a JP is only allowed to make decisions on certain types of court matters, like bail or private prosecutions.