Services in Ontario

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Student Legal Service Organizations (SLSO)

Legal Aid Ontario funds Student Legal Aid Services Societies that operate out of Ontario’s law schools. They offer free legal help to people with a low income in certain legal areas, including minor crimes, housing, and immigration, and when dealing with some tribunals.

They can also help with some family law issues, such as child custody, access, and child support issues. And some help with other family law issues, such as property division and spousal support.

Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) – Criminal Law Services

During the COVID-19 situation, LAO is offering more telephone support. Call LAO’s summary advice line at 1-800-668-8258 for more information.

LAO has services for people who have been charged with a crime. This includes:

  • a free summary advice line that can give you up to 20 minutes of information and general advice about your criminal law matter
  • criminal duty counsel who can give you free legal advice if you don’t have a lawyer on the day of your hearing
  • a legal aid certificate program if you have a low income and if your legal issue is one that LAO covers


Contact Information

Phone: 416-979-1446 Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258 TTY: 711

Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) – Find a lawyer

If you have a legal aid certificate and are looking for a lawyer who accepts certificates, you can use LAO’s online tool. It lets you look for a lawyer by location, area of law, and language. You can also search for a lawyer with experience in domestic violence cases.

Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) – Legal aid certificates

If you get a legal aid certificate, this means that LAO pays a lawyer to work for you. To get a certificate you must show that you have a low income by giving information about your income, property, and savings.

And, your legal issue must be one that LAO covers. You may get a certificate for some legal issues about:

  • domestic violence
  • family law
  • criminal law
  • immigration law
  • refugee law

To apply for a legal aid certificate:


Contact Information

Phone: 416-979-1446 Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258 TTY: 711
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