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Advocacy North for Elders and Seniors

Advocacy North for Elders and Seniors is a program run by community legal clinics in Northern Ontario. They offer legal help and advice to elders and seniors who have low incomes and are dealing with legal issues related to their age.  

They offer free and confidential help and advice in these areas: 

  • retirement homes and long-term care homes 
  • consent and capacity 
  • wills and powers of attorney  
  • elder abuse  
  • consumer rights including scams 


Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-697-8719

Pro Bono Ontario – Free legal advice hotline

The hotline can give you 30 minutes of free legal help and advice over the telephone on civil law matters, which include:

  • employment
  • housing
  • consumer issues
  • Powers of Attorney
  • corporate law for charities, non-profits, and small businesses

It doesn’t help with family law or criminal law problems.

The hotline generally accepts calls Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Contact Information

Phone: 1-855-255-7256

Consumer Protection Ontario

Consumer Protection Ontario helps you make a complaint against a business through the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

The Ministry deals with complaints against a variety of businesses, including stores, fitness centres and gyms, home renovation companies, wireless and phone companies, payday loan companies, debt settlement companies, and collection agencies.


Contact Information

Phone: 416-326-8800 Toll-free: 1-800-889-9768 TTY: 416-229-6086 Toll-free TTY: 1-877-666-6545

Law Society Referral Service

The Law Society of Ontario has on online Law Society Referral Service that gives you the name of a lawyer or licensed paralegal who will give free legal advice for up to 30 minutes in any area of law.

If you can’t wait for a legal representative to call you back, or if you don’t have a call-back number, email Or, if you’re in crisis or in custody, call 1-855-947-5255 or 416-947-5255, Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Ontario Legal Information Centre

The Ontario Legal Information Centre offers a free 30-minute meeting with a lawyer to anyone in Ontario, online or by phone in English or French. They provide legal information on any legal topic, and referrals to services.  Book a meeting online or call 1-844-343-7462 if you need help.


Contact Information

Toll-free: 1-844-343-7462
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