Services in Ontario

Collection agencies

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Pro Bono Ontario – Free legal advice hotline

The hotline can give you 30 minutes of free legal help and advice over the telephone on civil law matters, which include:

  • employment
  • housing
  • consumer issues
  • Powers of Attorney
  • corporate law for charities, non-profits, and small businesses

It doesn’t help with family law or criminal law problems.

The hotline generally accepts calls Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Contact Information

Phone: 1-855-255-7256

Consumer Protection Ontario

Consumer Protection Ontario helps you make a complaint against a business through the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

The Ministry deals with complaints against a variety of businesses, including stores, fitness centres and gyms, home renovation companies, wireless and phone companies, payday loan companies, debt settlement companies, and collection agencies.


Contact Information

Phone: 416-326-8800 Toll-free: 1-800-889-9768 TTY: 416-229-6086 Toll-free TTY: 1-877-666-6545

Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services (OACCS)

The association has a list of qualified credit counsellors and agencies from across Ontario. Credit counsellors at not-for-profit agencies help people who are in debt and have problems paying their bills. They help people review their finances, make a budget, deal with creditors, and improve their credit record.


Contact Information

Phone: 1-905-945-5644

Credit Counselling Canada

Credit Counselling Canada has an online tool to help you search for certified credit counsellors and agencies by postal code. Credit counsellors at not-for-profit agencies help people who are in debt and have problems paying their bills. They help people review their finances, make a budget, deal with creditors, and improve their credit record.


Contact Information

Toll-free: 1-866-398-5999
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