What can I do if I am being harassed at work?
74,567Can an employer make me take a drug or alcohol test?
10,119Can my employer tell me what to wear at work?
16,600What if I’m not hired because an employer discriminates against me?
17,506What does it mean to experience discrimination?
33,763I have a disability. What are my rights at work?
12,612I’m an independent contractor with a disability. Do I have rights at work?
3,939My employer keeps asking me when I’m going to retire. Can they do that?
3,229What are my rights at work to do things to follow my religion?
8,432I’m pregnant. What are my rights as a worker?
17,102I’m going to be a parent. What are my rights as a worker?
19,844I’m transgender or non-binary. What are my rights at work?
6,789Can I breastfeed in public?
6,779How do I make a claim to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?