Tools & Resources
Appeal a decision about ODSP
This flowchart explains the process of appealing a decision about ODSP.
Write a letter asking ODSP for an internal review
Use this tool to write a letter asking ODSP for an internal review
How to apply to the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
This flowchart shows you the steps to take when applying to ODSP. You have to qualify financially and as a person with a disability.
Social assistance office locations
OW or ODSP: Which one to apply for
Learn about which program you're eligible for
SBT Hearings: Videos and FAQs
Health benefits: Medical transportation
Ontario Disability Support Program employment supports
Working and earning on the Ontario Disability Support Program: Reporting your employment earnings each month
Ontario Disability Support Program eligibility for income support: Eligibility as a person with a disability
Social assistance rules about couples
Child support when you are on OW or ODSP
Medical Review Policy