CLEO has new and revised family law publications

CLEO is pleased to announce the following new or updated family law publications. All CLEO resources are provided free of charge. For a complete list of our publications, please visit

Family Law: Legal Help
Family Law: Legal Help
Family Law: Legal Help is a new publication which gives information about services and organizations that offer family law help.


Making Decisions and Spending Time with Children
Making Decisions and Spending Time with Children
An Introduction to Family Law in Ontario and Making Decisions and Spending Time with Children have been updated to reflect changes in family law. The changes include:

  • replacing the terms custody and access with decision-making responsibility and parenting time
  • using an alternative dispute resolution process or family dispute resolution process to resolve issues out of court
  • updating the rules when one parent wants to relocate with a child

For help filling out family court forms, see CLEO’s Family Law Guided Pathways.

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