Notices from the Landlord and Tenant Board about scheduling tenant applications

In November and December, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has been sending tenants emails or letters about scheduling tenant applications. Check your junk email, mailbox, or talk with your legal representative if you did not get one.

The email or letter gives a deadline to confirm that you want to continue your application and have a hearing. It states that if you don’t respond by December 7, 2021, the LTB will close your file.

You will get a reminder email or letter if you did not respond by December 7.

You can get your application opened again even if you have not responded by the December 7 deadline or responded to the reminder.

Contact the LTB at if you want to keep your file open. You can also ask the LTB to reopen your file by sending a letter by mail or courier to your local LTB office.

For more information, read the LTB’s update Tenant Application Notices.

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