Can the repair shop charge me more than they said they would?
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It depends.
If you got a written estimate
In some cases, a repair shop can charge you a bit more than the amount on their . If you got a written estimate, the repair shop can charge you up to 10% more than the estimated amount.
For example, if the estimate was for $1,000, the final repair bill could be up to $1,100, but no more than that.
If you and the shop agreed to a maximum amount
If you and the repair shop agreed to a maximum amount instead of an estimate, the repair shop cannot charge more than the amount you agreed to.
If there was no estimate and no maximum amount
If the repair shop did not give you an estimate and you did not agree to set a maximum amount, they cannot charge you for the work at all. They should have offered to give you a written estimate.
You should never sign a blank estimate or work order. If you do, it gives the repair shop permission to do whatever work they feel is necessary, even if you disagree.