The police seized a car I bought from a used car dealer. What can I do?
Use this letter-writing tool to complain about a product or service.
If the police seize a car you bought from a registered dealer and will not give it back to you, you have three options:
- contact the dealer and ask for a refund or other solution
- file a complaint with the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC), or
- ask for compensation from the
Usually, cars are seized by the police because they are stolen or needed as evidence in a case. They can also be seized by a private reposession company if someone owes money on the car, even if that person is not you.
If your car is seized by the police, you should contact the dealer as soon as possible. The best way to do this is to send them a letter by registered mail with all the details of what happened. Ask them to give you back your money or suggest another solution.
The letter should be short, clear, and specific. The letter should also give a specific date by which you expect to hear back from them.