How do I sue my former employer in Small Claims Court?

Because of COVID-19, the Small Claims Court has changed some of its processes. You can learn more in the question: How is Small Claims Court handling cases during COVID-19?

If you left your job or got fired, you might have a claim against the employer. You might be able to make an employment standards claim to the Ministry of Labour. And you might have the option of suing your employer in court.

If you're trying to get that an employer owes you, you can't sue in court and make an employment standards claim to the Ministry of Labour. You have to choose one or the other.

If you want to sue for $35,000 or less, you do this in Small Claims Court. The Next Steps explain how to do this.

If you want to sue for more than $35,000, you have to do this in Superior Court. It's very hard to do this without a lawyer. If you want to sue in Superior Court, you should really try to get legal help. If you have a low income, you might be able to get help from Pro Bono Ontario.

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