How do I give notice to move out of a retirement home or care home?

In most situations, you have to tell your landlord in writing that you want to end your and move out. This is called giving notice. If you don't give proper , you could end up owing more rent.

If you live in a or , you must give your landlord at least 30 days' notice. You can pick any date to be the last day of your tenancy, even if it is before the end of your . This is different from the rules most other tenants have to follow.

For your notice to be legal, you must:

  • include all the necessary information in writing
  • give the notice to your landlord at least 30 days before the date you want your tenancy to end

Your notice does not have to give a reason why you are moving.

IMPORTANT: Before you give notice, be sure that you really want to move out. If you do not move out when your notice says you will, your landlord can apply to the  to have you evicted. Your landlord can do this without telling you or giving you any papers.


You can leave with only 10 days' notice if your landlord gave you a notice to move out for certain reasons.

And you can leave with only 28 days' notice if you or a child living with you have experienced domestic violence or sexual abuse.

Ending care services and meals

After you give notice to end your tenancy, you can cancel your care services and meals early by giving at least 10 days' notice to your landlord. After the 10-day ends, you can stop paying for those meals and services. You won't get those services for the rest of your tenancy.

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