Where can I get help with my landlord if I can’t afford a lawyer?

If you can't afford a lawyer or paralegal for your whole case, a lawyer can still help you understand what the law says about your situation and what your options are.

Some lawyers provide “unbundled” or “limited scope” services. This means they agree to help you with part of your case. For example, they might help you fill out forms and prepare for your hearing, but not represent you at the hearing.

You might also be able to find legal help in other places. Some of these options include:

  • Community Legal Clinics (CLCs): Most CLCs across Ontario give free legal help or advice on housing law issues to people who have low incomes.
  • Tenant Duty Counsel: Tenant Duty Counsel are lawyers and community legal workers who can help you at most (LTB) hearings. Duty counsel can give you advice about your legal rights and responsibilities, and the LTB process. They can also help you work out a settlement with your landlord or help you talk to LTB mediators.
  • Pro Bono Ontario: Pro Bono Ontario has a legal advice hotline at 1-855-255-7256. You can get up to 30 minutes of free legal advice and help with a housing law problem. The hotline is usually available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • JusticeNet: JusticeNet is a non-profit organization that helps people in Ontario whose income is too high to get legal aid and too low to afford legal fees. They offer services for a fee based on income.
  • If your landlord is discriminating against you, you might be able to get help from the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation or from the Human Rights Legal Support Centre.
  • Depending on where you live in Ontario, a community mediation program might help you resolve disagreements with your landlord, roommate, or neighbour. Many of these programs are free.
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