How do I make a claim to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?

If an employer, landlord, representative, or provider discriminates against you in a way that goes against Ontario's human rights laws, you might be able to make a claim against them. You can make your claim with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

You might also have the option of suing them in court. You should get legal advice before you decide what to do.

Discrimination that is against human rights laws

Employers, landlords, union representatives, and service providers aren't allowed to discriminate for reasons that are against human rights laws.

This means that, in most cases, you can't be treated differently based on personal differences listed in the Human Rights Code. These include your:

  • race, colour, or ethnic background
  • citizenship or the place you are from
  • religion
  • age
  • sex
  • sexual orientation
  • physical or mental , including an addiction
  • marital status (for example, married, divorced, single, or living common-law)

or because you:

  • are pregnant
  • have children

Time limits

The deadline to apply to the is one year from the date you were discriminated against.

It is very important that you your with the Tribunal within the one year period. If you miss the deadline, you can still apply, but you must explain why you're applying late. it is very rare for the Tribunal to accept a late application.

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