What is a medical review date for ODSP?

When the or the decides that you're a person with a disability, they may give you a medical review date.

They do this if they think that your health might improve.

When it's time for your medical review, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) will check your disability or health status to see if you still qualify for as a person with a disability.

Medical Review Package

When the Disability Adjudication Unit is ready to do your medical review, they send you a Medical Review Package. The package has forms that have to be filled out and sent back within 90 days.

The Medical Review Package has:

  • instructions about the package
  • Summary of Disability Decision that explains why you were found to be a person with a disability
  • Medical Form Part A
  • Medical Form Part B
  • Consent to the Release of Medical and Related Information form
  • Self-Report form
  • an information sheet for health care professionals
  • a mailing envelope for the completed forms

If you can't send the package back within the 90 days, you can ask for more time.

Steps 1 to 3 explain how to complete the forms. Step 4 explains what to do if you need more time.

Not having to prove you’re a “person with a disability”

Some people can get ODSP without having to prove that they’re a person with a disability. They don't have to do a medical review. This is true even if at first they qualified for income support as a person with a disability.

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