Write a letter asking to have your court matter in French

1Information about the tool
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3Information about your court matter
4Get your letter

Information about the tool

This tool creates a letter that asks for your court proceeding with a judge to be in French. This letter is one of the official ways to ask for a bilingual proceeding.

After you answer a series of questions, you’ll get an email with the letter. Review it carefully and make any changes you want.

This tool can be used for all types of proceedings except criminal. The process is different if it's a criminal case.

Proceedings that are in French are called “bilingual proceedings”. A proceeding is anything you do with the court to move your matter forward, like a case conference, motion, or trial.

Things to remember

Check the deadline for asking to have your type of case in French.

In some parts of the province, you have the right to have a jury trial in French. Ask the court or your lawyer about this.

Note: CLEO does not store your personal information.

What you need to get started:

  • your court file number
  • the name of the court, for example, Ontario Court of Justice
  • the type of the proceeding, for example, civil, family, or small claims
  • the title of the proceeding, for example, Tremblay v. Roy
  • a list of the proceedings that you want to be bilingual
  • your name, address, and phone number
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