1. Fill out and sign the “Tenant’s Statement” form
Question & Answer
What if I have to move out because of violence or abuse?You have to give your landlord proof that you are allowed to move with 28 days' . One way to do this is to give them a completed Tenant’s Statement About Sexual or Domestic Violence and Abuse.
By signing this form, you are telling the landlord that you or a child living with you might be at risk of harm or injury by continuing to live in the rental unit. The risk of harm must be one of the following two kinds.
The first kind of risk is because you or a child living with you:
- have been harmed or had your property damaged,
- have been illegally held against your will, or
- fear for your safety
This risk of harm must be caused by any of the following people:
- your spouse or former spouse
- someone you live with or have lived with in a marriage-like relationship
- someone you are dating or used to date
- someone living in the rental unit who is related to you or the child
The second kind of risk is because you or the child have been a victim of sexual violence by anyone.
Sexual violence is not necessarily physical. It also includes:
- mental or emotional violence or abuse
- being followed, spied on, or watched
- exploitation
This also includes anyone threatening or trying to do any of these things.
If any of the above situations apply, you can fill in and sign the Tenant's Statement form.
The Tenant's Statement does not tell the landlord which situation applies, who the abuser is, or whether the victim is you or the child.
And you do not have to give the landlord any other information about the situation, even if they ask you.