1. Understand what should be in your disclosure

Disclosure is the information that the police and the Crown have about your case. Disclosure can include:

  • a police summary of the case, also called a synopsis
  • a Crown screening form
  • police officer's notes
  • witness statements
  • surveillance video and photos
  • financial documents
  • forensic reports

The Crown must give you a copy of everything they have that is relevant to your case, unless the information is privileged. “Privileged” means the information is confidential and can't be shared or used at . For example, communication between a lawyer and their client or between a doctor and patient is privileged.

Crown Screening Form

The Crown Screening form is an important part of your . It is, also called the Charge Screening form. This form tells you how the Crown plans to deal with your charges. For example, if you have been charged with a hybrid offence, the form will tell you whether the Crown will be proceeding or by .

Look at this chart to learn more about summary, indictable, and hybrid offences.

The form will also tell you:

  • what kind of the Crown will ask for
  • if you can early to have some of your charges dropped
  • if you have been approved for diversion

This information will help you decide how you want to deal with your charges.

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