Complain to Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC)

Use this letter-writing tool to complain about a product or service.

Before you complain to the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC), you must first send a letter to the dealer through registered mail. If you are not happy with the dealer's response to your letter, you can file a complaint with OMVIC.

There are three ways to do this:

  • online: OMVIC Complaint form
  • call: Complaints and Inquiries Department at 1-800-943-6002 and press 1
  • email: Complaints and Inquiries Department at

After you file your complaint, you will need to fill out a Complaints Process Acknowledgement Form. This allows OMVIC to contact the dealer directly.

OMVIC cannot tell a dealer to cancel a contract, return money, or do repairs. Instead, OMVIC works with you and the dealer to find a solution to the problem. If you and the dealer cannot come to a solution with OMVIC's help, you may want to sue the dealer in court.

In some cases, OMVIC may investigate the dealer and take away (revoke) or the dealer's licence. If a dealer did something against the law, it can lead to criminal charges.

Get more information about this process on OMVIC’s website.

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