Find out what happens after you dispute the information

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The agency will investigate your debt. This means they will contact the and ask for information that proves the debt. Most investigations take under 30 days. You should not apply for while there is an investigation.

At the end of the investigation, the agency will remove or correct information that they think is wrong, or that they can't confirm is right. They will also remove the notation that a debt is disputed.

If the agency fixes your , it must also tell everyone who got a copy of the wrong credit report in the 60 days before your file was fixed. You can also ask them to tell people who got the wrong report more than 60 days ago.

If they think that the information is correct, it will still be in your credit report. If the dispute was with TransUnion, you can add a 100-word explanation called a consumer statement to your report that states why you disagree with the information.

To add a consumer statement, you need to send it in writing to the agency, along with photocopies of 2 pieces of identification that includes your:

  • full name
  • current address
  • date of birth
  • signature

For example, you can send a copy of your drivers' licence and passport.

To add a consumer statement to your TransUnion report, you can write to:

In English:
TransUnion Consumer Relations Department
P.O. Box 338, LCD1
Hamilton, ON L8L 7W2

In French:
Centre de relations aux Consommateurs TransUnion
CP 1433 Succ. St-Martin
Laval, QC H7V 3P7

If you still disagree with the debt or information, you should talk directly to the creditors that have the account in your name. Consumer reporting agencies can't fix mistakes that are made by creditors. They only report what the creditors have told them, or correct information you are able to prove is wrong.

If you think that you've proven the information is wrong but the isn't fixing it, you can complain to the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.

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