Get a Used Vehicle Information Package (UVIP)

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The Used Vehicle Information Package (UVIP) has important information like:

  • the car details (including the year, make, model, color, body type, cylinders, and power)
  • the registration history in Ontario (including all present and previous owners, their city of residence, and mileage)
  • the car's fair market value, and the minimum amount of payable tax
  • retail sales tax information
  • a bill of sale that includes the seller's name, the date of the sale, and the purchase price
  • if there are any liens on the car

A is when there is money owing on the vehicle. For example, if the original owner has not fully paid their car loan, there will be a lien on the vehicle. It's good to know if there is a lien so that you don't get stuck paying off the original car loan.

Registered dealers do not have to give you a UVIP. You can order one through the Government of Ontario’s website. It costs $20, and can be paid for by card. Once you pay, the package will be mailed to you in about 5 business days.

To order a UVIP you need:

  • the vehicle identification number (VIN) or the licence plate number of the car
  • your Ontario driver's licence number or registrant identification number (RIN) or
  • your name and address

Remember, if you submit a licence plate number with the application, the package will include information about the car currently attached to that plate number.

You can use the information in the UVIP to ask the car's previous owners questions about the car. This information can help you when you talk to the dealer about the problems.

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