1. Get your Record of Employment from your employer
Question & Answer
How do I apply for EI benefits?You will need a (ROE) from every employer you worked for in the past 52 weeks. Your ROE shows your history at a particular job, like the dates you worked, how much you earned, and how many hours you worked. There are rules that your employer must follow when preparing your ROE.
If you are applying for maternity and parental benefits, you do not have to wait for your ROE to apply.
Service Canada uses the information on your ROE to decide:
- if you are eligible for EI benefits
- how much you get
- how long your benefits will be paid
Even if you aren't applying for EI benefits, your employer must prepare a ROE for you. They can either give it to you or send it to Service Canada.
You can ask your employer for a paper copy of your ROE. Once you get the ROE, you must give it to Service Canada as soon as possible.
If your employer sends your ROE directly to Service Canada electronically, you will not need to ask for a paper copy. You will need a My Service Canada Account to view your ROE electronically.
If 2 weeks go by and your employer has still not prepared your ROE, you should ask your employer again.
You can also ask your employer for your ROE using this letter-writing tool.
If you are unable to get your ROE, go to your nearest Service Canada Office or call them at 1-800-206-7218 or mail in this form. A Service Canada agent will tell you how to get your ROE or what else they will need to complete your application.
Be sure to apply as soon as you don't have work. If you apply more than 4 weeks after you have an , it may be harder to get approved for EI. If you are approved, you might get less money. This is because there will be a large period of time where you have no hours worked and no money earned.