2. Give your application to your employer and the Ministry of Labour
Question & Answer
What can I do if I disagree with a Ministry of Labour decision?Before you give your application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), you must give your employer a copy of your completed Application for Review Form A-103.
You can give your application in person, or send it by courier, fax, or regular mail. You can send your application to your employer by email but only if your employer agrees.
You also must give a copy of your completed application to the Director of Employment Standards at the Ministry of Labour. Use the delivery information listed in the Application for Review form.
To prove that you've done all this, you must fill out the Certificate of Delivery in the original Application for Review form that you completed. If you gave the application to your employer by email, you will also need to complete Form A-139 and send it to the OLRB.