4. Tell your employer if you want to return to work early
Question & Answer
I’m going to be a parent. What are my rights as a worker?You have the right to end your pregnancy or parental leave before you use all of it.
But this means that you're giving up that time that remains. You cannot take it later. This is because you cannot divide up your leave.
To end your leave early, give your employer a letter telling them when you plan to return to work. You must give them this letter at least 4 weeks before the day you want to return to work.
Or you can end your leave at any time if you and your employer agree.
Your right to return to work
When your leave is over, your employer must give you your old job back, with no cut in pay.
If the pay for your job went up when you were on leave, you must get the higher amount.
If your old job no longer exists, your employer must give you a similar job and pay you at least the same amount as you were paid in your old job.