5. Talk to a mediator

The Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) will assign a to deal with your application. Mediators are sometimes called Labour Relations Officers (LROs).

The mediator will try to help you and your employer agree on a solution. If you make an agreement, you won't have to go to a hearing. Hearings can be difficult and expensive.

The mediator is neutral. They don't represent you or your employer.

The mediator can give you more information about the law. They can also help you understand what the OLRB is likely to decide if you have a hearing. But the mediator can't force you to do anything.

The mediator might meet with you and your employer in person or ask you questions over the phone. You should explain your situation and show them any proof you have about what happened.

They may talk to you and your employer several times to see if you can agree on a solution.

The mediator doesn't make a final decision on your complaint if you can't agree on a solution with your employer.

You can talk to the mediator honestly. Anything you talk about in is confidential and usually can't be used by your employer at the hearing. The Vice-chair is the person in charge of your hearing. The Vice-Chair isn't told what you and your employer talked about in mediation.

If the mediator thinks there's no chance that you and your employer will reach a settlement, they will tell the OLRB to schedule a consultation or hearing.

The OLRB will send you a Notice of Consultation or Hearing. The notice tells you the date of your consultation or hearing.

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