1. Find out if your order has been assigned
Question & Answer
How do I change child support in my court order?If the parent receiving gets benefits from a social services agency such as Ontario Works (OW) or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), they must usually try to get child support and . If they don't make reasonable efforts, they may get less assistance or none at all.
If the parent receiving child support is having trouble collecting payments from their partner, they can assign payments to OW or ODSP. This means that the child support payments go directly to OW or ODSP, and the recipient get the full amount of social assistance even when support is not paid.
The support is paid or assigned to the agency and the social service agency is called the assignee.
If your support order is or was assigned, the assignee must be involved in all court proceedings to change the support order. They need to be kept up-to-date on the amount of support being paid. They may also be owed payments.
To find out if the support order is assigned, fill out a Confirmation of Assignment form and fax or mail it to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
They will process the form within three working days and mail or fax it back to you. If the support order is assigned, they will tell you where to send your court documents.
If you do not the assignee or get the assignee's consent before going to court, the assignee can ask the court to set aside the new order you get. The court can also order costs against you. This means that you may have to pay the assignee's costs for asking the court to set aside the order.