1. Talk to your partner

You can try talking to your partner about why they're not letting you have your with your child. This used to be called . You can talk to your partner on your own or with the help of a lawyer or mediator.

Explain that it's important to your child's development to know that they have 2 parents who they can count on.

Maybe there is a reason your partner isn't making the child available for parenting time as planned. For example, there could be a change in their work schedule or other activity that makes it difficult for them to have your child ready to spend time with you. If this is the case, maybe you can agree to a different schedule that works better for the family.

Or, maybe your partner has stopped parenting time because you aren't paying . Tell your partner that the right to child support and parenting time are 2 different issues. They are both rights of the child. You cannot be stopped from seeing your child because you haven't paid child support.

You may also want to think about speaking to someone your partner respects and trusts. This could be a family member, a friend, a colleague, or a religious advisor. Ask them to speak to your partner and explain the impact that missed visits can have on your child.

If you and your partner agree to change your or , you can make a new agreement that deals with the changes to your situation.

If you agree to change a final , you can go to court and get a new order based on your agreement.

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