2. Apply for post-adoption birth information

If your child is at least 19 years old, you can apply for Post-Adoption Birth Information.

To apply for Post-Adoption Birth Information you must fill out a form called an Application for Post Adoption Birth Information. It is also called form 11315E.

For help filling out the form look at the Birth Parents Guide for Completing and Submitting an Application for Post-Adoption Birth Information.

You might be able to get your child's:

  • original birth registration
  • any substituted birth registrations
  • any registered adoption orders

These documents may have identifying information about your child, including their adoptive name.

If your child was adopted before September 1, 2008, they may have applied for a disclosure veto. This means that any information that would reveal their identity will not be released to you. It might even say why they don't want their identity to be released.

Your child may also have filed a no contact notice. This means that you have to sign an agreement promising not to contact your child before you can get identifying information about them. If you sign the agreement and then try to contact your child, you can be fined up to $50,000.

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