2. Fill out your forms
Question & Answer
What is a motion on consent in family law and what happens at one?Next, you or your partner ask the court to put your agreement into a called a . To do this, the person bringing the fills out:
- Form 14B: Notice of Motion, where you list the orders you want the court to make. Attach the consent agreement or any showing what you and your partner agree to.
- Form 25: Order, where you list the orders you're asking the judge to sign.
- Stamped envelopes addressed to you and your partner if you want your order mailed to you. Otherwise you can pick it up from the court.
You may also need to fill out:
- Form 35.1: Affidavit (decision-making responsibility, parenting time, contact), if your agreement is about or and if you haven't already filed this form with the court. Decision-making responsibility and parenting time used to be called and . You have to answer some personal questions about your family situation and tell the court about your suggested .
- Form 13: Financial Statement or Form 13.1: Financial Statement, if your agreement is about , , or . You have to give information about your finances such as your income, living expenses, and and .
- Form 13A: Certificate of Financial Disclosure, where you list all the documents that prove what you said in your .
- Support Deduction Order, if your agreement is about support.
- Support Deduction Order Information Form, if your agreement is about support.
- Updated table of contents, that lists the documents you're adding to your continuing record.