3. Find an ADR professional
Question & Answer
Can we resolve our family law issues without going to court?After you and your partner have agreed on the (ADR) option or family dispute resolution process that you want to use, you need to find a family law professional who works in that area.
Collaborative family law: The Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals has a list of lawyers who specialise in this area of law.
Mediation: There are several organizations that set standards for mediators in Ontario. You can find an accredited or certified mediator through family courts, JusticeNet, and any of the following:
- Ontario Association for Family Mediation
- Family Mediation Canada
- The ADR Institute of Ontario
- the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario
Arbitration: Some lawyers and other professionals like social workers and psychologists are trained to be arbitrators. Another way to find a certified family arbitrator online is through the ADR Institute of Ontario.
Mediation-: See above for a mediator or arbitrator.
Parenting coordination: Some social workers and other mental health professionals are trained to be parenting coordinators. You can also ask a mediator or arbitrator if they also act as a parenting coordinator.
Your lawyer may also be able to recommend a family law professional. Or you may be able to find a list of local professionals through your local Family Law Information Centre (FLIC).