3. Find an ADR professional

After you and your partner have agreed on the (ADR) option or family dispute resolution process that you want to use, you need to find a family law professional who works in that area.

Collaborative family law: The Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals has a list of lawyers who specialise in this area of law.

Mediation: There are several organizations that set standards for mediators in Ontario. You can find an accredited or certified mediator through family courts, JusticeNet, and any of the following:

Arbitration: Some lawyers and other professionals like social workers and psychologists are trained to be arbitrators. Another way to find a certified family arbitrator online is through the ADR Institute of Ontario.

Mediation-: See above for a mediator or arbitrator.

Parenting coordination: Some social workers and other mental health professionals are trained to be parenting coordinators. You can also ask a mediator or arbitrator if they also act as a parenting coordinator.

Your lawyer may also be able to recommend a family law professional. Or you may be able to find a list of local professionals through your local Family Law Information Centre (FLIC).

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