4. Divide the expense

In most cases, both parents share the cost for their child's based on their incomes.

For example, if you and your partner have roughly the same incomes, you divide or share the special or extraordinary expense equally. But if your income is double your partner's income, then you pay double what your partner pays.

You and your partner can also agree to share the expenses in a different way.

If your child is over the age of majority, that is, 18 or older, and still a dependent, they may also have to contribute to their special expenses. If your child is paying a part of their special or extraordinary expenses, that amount is subtracted before the parents divide the expense.

Share financial information

You and your partner have to share honest and complete information about your income before deciding how to divide special or extraordinary expenses.

You can share this information in many ways. For example, you could use a computer spreadsheet or a handwritten document that has all your financial information. Or, you can fill out one of the financial statement court forms.

Many people use these forms even if they don't go to court. The forms can be useful because they show you what the court looks at when deciding your support issues.

The person asking for special or extraordinary expenses should also list:

  • each expense and explain what it is for
  • the total cost
  • the date payments are due
  • any other relevant information
  • receipts
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