4. Get your partner’s response

You partner has 30 days (or 60 days if they live outside of Canada or the United States) to fill out, , and their response. If they don't respond, the court may make an order based on your documents alone.

Your partner agrees with you

They fill out a Form 15D: Consent Motion to Change Child Support.

To get a , you need to fill out and file with the court:

  • Form 15D: Consent Motion to Change Child Support, which sets out the new arrangements you and your partner agree to. You and your partner have to sign the form in front of a . You cannot witness each other's signatures. Attach a copy of your existing order or agreement.

The form must also be signed by the assignee, if any. The assignee is the social service agency, such as Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program, that is receiving support payments because the person receiving support is on social assistance.

You may each have to fill out a Form 13: Financial Statement and Form 13A: Certificate of Financial Disclosure unless you both agree not to. But, you and your partner may need to provide proof of income in some circumstances. For example, if there are .

You can now file most family law forms and supporting documents online, including a motion to change. For more information on how to file online, read the question How do I file court forms for my family law case online?

If you can't use the online service or if you don't want to file your forms or documents online, you can file them in person.

The gives your forms to a judge to sign the consent order. In most cases, you do not have to see a judge unless they need more information.

Your partner does not agree with you

They fill out:

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