1. Pay on or before the date in the eviction notice
Question & Answer
Can I stop the eviction by paying what I owe?To start the process to you for owing rent, your landlord must first give you a written notice. Usually the will be called N4 – Notice to End your Tenancy For Non-payment of Rent.
The notice must tell you:
- the amount that the landlord wants you to pay
- details of how that amount is calculated
- the date your landlord wants you to move if you don't pay
This information should be on the first page of the notice.
You can cancel this notice by paying all the rent that you owe within 14 days after you get the notice. You must pay within 7 days if you rent by the day or week. Make sure the landlord gives you a receipt for your payment.
Your payment must also include any rent that comes due after the date on the notice.