4. Ask the LTB to review the order

You can try to stop the eviction by asking the LTB to review the decision.

To ask for a review, you must a written Request for Review with the LTB. This costs $58 but, if you have a low income, you can ask the LTB to “waive” or cancel the fee by filling in a form.

Time limit

You must file the Request to Review within 30 days after the date of the eviction .

If it is more than 30 days after the date of the order, you will have to also file a Request to Extend Deadline form. You will have to give the LTB a very good reason why you missed the 30-day deadline.

Filling out the Request to Review form

Your Request for Review form must show that the LTB might have made a serious error in its decision about your case. Some examples of serious errors are:

  • getting the amount of rent you owed wrong
  • refusing to look at your about problems in your rental unit
  • not letting you finish when you were telling your story
  • not applying the law correctly to your situation

It is usually good to ask the LTB for a copy of the hearing recording. Listening to the recording can help you decide what to write in your Request for Review.

There is also a place on the form to ask the LTB to “stay”, or freeze, the eviction order so that your landlord can't enforce it. Make sure that you fill this part of the form in.

After you file your Request to Review

There is no guarantee that you will get a review hearing. An will look at your Request for Review and decide whether to schedule a hearing.

If the LTB decides to schedule a hearing, you will get a Notice of Hearing and a copy of the “stay” order. You must take the copy of the stay order to the 's office so they'll know not to you before the hearing. You'll also have to prepare for the hearing.

But if the LTB decides not to hold a hearing, this means the Sheriff can come to evict you.

The Tenant Duty Counsel Program has a Tip Sheet that will guide you through the whole process of asking for a review.

Appealing to court

You can also appeal LTB decisions to the Divisional Court. But this process is complicated and can cost a lot of money. In most cases, the court will not hear your appeal unless you have already asked for a review by the LTB.

It's best to get legal advice before you decide to appeal to court. Once you receive the order, you have a short amount of time to file an appeal so you must act quickly.

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