4. Decide if you want to stay or move
Question & Answer
How often can my landlord raise my rent?If the increase needs to be approved by the (LTB), you have the right to oppose it.
If the increase is legal and doesn't need approval, you will probably have to pay it unless you can negotiate a lower increase with your landlord.
If you want to move out instead of paying the increased rent, you will have to give proper notice or take other steps to make sure you do not have to keep paying after you leave. Most tenants have to give 60 days' to move out, and that is why landlords are required to give 90 days' notice to increase the rent.
If you decide to stay, you don't have to sign any papers or do anything else.
If you want to stay but don’t want to sign a new lease
If your is expiring, your landlord might ask you to renew your lease or sign a new one for another or a fixed term, such as a year. But you do not have to sign one if you don't want to. Some landlords might tell you that you have to either sign a new lease or move out. But this isn't true.
If you don't sign a new lease and you don't give notice to move out, you automatically stay as a or tenant. Your rent might increase but everything else in your lease agreement will stay the same.