1. Tell your landlord you need accommodation for your disability

The law says you and your landlord must work together to your . You must start by asking the landlord for what you need.

You might have to tell your landlord that you have a disability, if your disability is not apparent to your landlord. And you might need to explain how you are being discriminated against, if this is not obvious to your landlord.

Your landlord can ask for more information about your disability and how you are being affected as a tenant. For example, they could ask for a letter from your healthcare provider. You do not have to give them a medical diagnosis. But you have to give them enough information so they can figure out how to accommodate your disability.

You must co-operate with your landlord so you can find a solution. The solution might not be what you first asked for. You have to be open to other reasonable suggestions that can fix the problem.

It is a good idea to keep notes or records of your discussions with your landlord.

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