Understand when to get legal advice

A lawyer who knows immigration law can help you understand your options and decide what to do. They can help you find out about things like:

  • what immigration status you have
  • your rights based on your immigration status
  • your options if your status is at risk
  • your options if you want to apply for another status, for example, status or citizenship
  • what can happen to your status in the future, for example, how or why you could lose permanent resident status

They can also help you find out about things like:

  • bringing family members to Canada
  • whether an application has a chance of success, for example, a
  • what you need for an application or a hearing
  • how long it might take to get a decision

If you want to make a refugee claim

A lawyer who knows about refugee claims can explain:

  • what Canadian law says about who is a refugee
  • the process for making a refugee claim
  • what documents can help prove your claim
  • what you can do if your claim is not successful

Get ready before you talk to a lawyer

It's important to prepare before you speak to a lawyer. Think about what questions you need them to answer and have any related documents or information with you.

And it's important to talk openly to your lawyer. They need to know all the facts so they can give you the best advice and help.

Tell your lawyer if you need an interpreter to make sure that you and your lawyer understand each other well.

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