1. Know if an adult child is financially independent

Beware of scams

People have been getting phone calls with a pre-recorded message telling them their Ontario Works account has been deleted.

This is a scam to trick you into sharing your personal information. If you get a call like that, hang up the phone. You can report these calls to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.

If your adult child lives with you and is “financially independent”, the general rule is that Ontario Works (OW) does not include them in your . But your child may be able to choose to be included. See Step 2.

To find out how this can affect your , talk to a community legal clinic.

What “financially independent” means

OW will say that your adult child is “financially independent” if any of the following apply:

And, if there's a month when your adult child has or above what OW allows for a single person on OW, they would be financially independent for that month.

Living independently for 2 years

OW will also say that your child is financially independent if one or more of the following apply and the time they apply adds up to 2 years or more:

  • They had income above the amount OW allows for a single person on OW. And this income was not from child or spousal support.
  • They got their housing costs and basic needs from someone other than their parents or an institution, like a hospital or a prison. For example, they lived with a friend who supported them.
  • They got social assistance on their own from OW or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).
  • They lived away from their parents' home after the age of 18, unless they were away to attend school full-time.

The 2 years do not have to be all in a row.

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