Learn about ODSP while serving a sentence part-time
Question & Answer
Can I get ODSP income support if I’m in custody?The general rule is that you don't qualify for assistance from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) when you're in custody because you're serving a sentence.
But if you're serving a sentence part-time, you might qualify for assistance.
For example, you might be serving your sentence on weekends. You would still qualify for assistance for each day that you're out of custody for at least part of the day.
So if you go into custody on Friday evenings and get out on Monday mornings, you can qualify for assistance on Fridays and Mondays.
But ODSP won't include Saturdays and Sundays when they figure out the amount to give you for the month.
Housing costs
If you're serving a sentence part-time, you can ask ODSP to keep giving you the full amount of your that's for housing.
For example, if you still pay the same rent, ODSP might not reduce the amount they give you for housing.