4. Go to your hearing

The Refugee Board recently announced that it will continue to schedule all refugee hearings to be heard remotely. For more information, read the question.

The Refugee Board will hold a hearing where you can give and testimony about why you should not lose your refugee status. It's very important to talk to a lawyer before the hearing.

Cessation order

The Refugee Board will make a if it decides that you don't need refugee protection anymore. A cessation order usually means that you also lose your status and you will have to leave Canada. You can lose your status even if have lived in Canada for many years.

The Refugee Board can also make a cessation order if the situation in your home country has improved. This could happen if the reasons that you left your home country no longer exist. But if this happens, you won't lose your permanent resident status.

Vacation order

The Refugee Board will make a if it believes that you used false documents, didn't tell the truth, or left out important information in your refugee claim or at your hearing.

The Refugee Board will look at whether you would have received status if the correct information had been known at the time.

If the Refugee Board makes a vacation order, you will lose your permanent resident status and you will have to leave Canada. You can lose your status even if you have lived in Canada for many years.

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