2. Get help from Pro Bono Ontario

If you earn a low income, you may be able to get legal help from Pro Bono Ontario.

Duty counsel

Pro Bono Ontario provides lawyers known as duty counsel at Small Claims Courts in Toronto and Ottawa. If you're at Small Claims Court in Ottawa or Toronto and don't have a lawyer, look for the duty counsel office or ask to see duty counsel. Duty counsel can give immediate legal help to low-income people who appear in court without a lawyer. Sometimes, duty counsel also represent people in court.

Duty counsel lawyers provide free legal help. But you may first have to show that you can't afford your own lawyer. And, there are limits to what they can help you with. For example, they can't help you with your entire case, even if they are able to represent you or help you on your court day.

Legal advice line

Pro Bono Ontario has a legal advice hotline at 1-855-255-7256. You can get up to 30 minutes of free legal advice and help about Small Claims Court. The hotline is usually available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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