You and your partner agree on changes to child support and other things

If you and your partner agree to change or end a final order for something that is not about just , you need to fill out:

If your child support or payments go through a social services agency, such as Ontario Works (OW) or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), you may have to the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Serve your documents on the Ministry of Community and Social Services below explains how to do this.

You must your completed documents at the court. You can file your documents with the court online or in person. File your court forms and documents below explains how to do this.After your documents have been filed, the gives them to a judge to review and make an order.

Usually you and your partner don't need to appear in person before the judge. This is because you and your partner both agree to the changes.

The court clerk sends a certified copy of the signed order to you and your partner in the stamped envelopes you provided. They can also fax it to you, or call you to pick it up, if that's what you prefer.

If the judge has questions for you or your partner, the court clerk will contact you with a court date or provide you with a copy of the judge's that sets out any other steps you or your partner have to take.

How to:

File your court forms and documents

Serve your documents

Serve your documents on the Ministry of Community and Social Services

Reviewed: March 20, 2023
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