Services in Ontario
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Ontario Social Assistance Office Finder
Use the office finder to look up the Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program office that serves your area.
Legal clinics
Legal Aid Ontario funds legal clinics across Ontario. There are two types of legal clinics: community legal clinics and specialty legal clinics.
Community legal clinics provide free legal services to people with low incomes who live in their area. Search for the clinic in your area using your postal code. Most help with:
- income assistance
- tenant rights
- employment problems
Some clinics can help with immigration and refugee problems or debt and consumer problems.
Some specialty legal clinics provide free legal services to specific groups of people with low incomes:
- Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
- Aboriginal Legal Services
- ARCH Disability Law Centre
- Black Legal Action Centre
- Centre Francophone du Grand Toronto
- Chinese and South Asian Legal Clinic
- Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples
- HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario
- Justice for Children and Youth
- South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
Some specialty legal clinics provide free legal services in only certain areas of law:
Website Information
Phone: 416-979-1446 Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258 TTY: 416-598-8867 Toll-free TTY: 1-866-641-8867Centre francophone de Toronto
The Centre francophone de Toronto has a legal advice line funded by LAO for people living in the Greater Toronto Area including Toronto, Halton, Durham, Peel, and York. It gives legal information and advice in French over the telephone in the areas of:
- immigration law
- housing law
- income assistance
- employment law
- consumer rights
- human rights
The advice line does not help with family law or criminal law matters.
Website Information
Toll-free: 1-877-966-7345Ontario Legal Information Centre
The Ontario Legal Information Centre offers a free 30-minute meeting with a lawyer to anyone in Ontario, online or by phone in English or French. They provide legal information on any legal topic, and referrals to services. Book a meeting online or call 1-844-343-7462 if you need help.
Tribunals Ontario – Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT)
The tribunal makes decisions on appeals about Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). It’s not part of OW or ODSP and can decide that an OW or ODSP decision is wrong.
Go the website to get appeal forms and information about making an appeal.
Website Information
Phone: 416-326-0978 Toll-free: 1-800-753-3895 Toll-free TTY: 1-800-855-0511 (Bell Relay Service)