Tools & Resources
File bankruptcy documents online
Search for a business licence, registration or appointment
Paths to Justice: Scams
Taking action with your consumer rights

Write a consumer complaint letter
Use this tool to write a letter to a business to complain about a product or service
Identity Theft
Video: Making Sure the Service Providers in Canada Play by the Rules – About the CRTC Codes of Conduct
Video: what does the CCTS do for you?
Postpaid versus Prepaid Services
Your rights when signing a wireless service contract
The Wireless Code, simplified
Telephone and internet scams
Request for Free Credit Report – TransUnion
Credit Report Disputes
Your rights under the Consumer Protection Act
Consumer protection laws in Ontario
Secure your accounts
Find an active Licensed Insolvency Trustee
Advice on shopping online or over the phone
How to avoid or recover from identity theft