3. Make sure your release conditions work with other court orders

What you should do

If your release conditions ask for something that makes it impossible for you to follow the conditions in another , tell the police officer.

For example, you may have signed a that says you must live at a specific address. Yet, you may be asked later to sign a new release document that requires you to live at a different address.

In some situations, you may be able to follow the release conditions even if they conflict with another court order. For example, you may have a that allows you to pick up your children from your ex-partner's home. But your release documents may ask you to agree to stay away from your ex-partner's home. If you agree to the release conditions, you must not go to your ex-partner's home even though your custody order would have allowed you to. You must follow the conditions of a release order even if the conduct is permitted under another court order.

You must be careful to not do anything that would put you in breach of your release conditions or the other court order. Later, you could ask to have your release conditions changed.

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