3. Understand how vulnerable sector checks work

A appears on a vulnerable sector record check for as long as it is in effect.

A vulnerable record sector check is required for jobs and volunteering with children, older people, and others who may be vulnerable.

The law says who is a vulnerable person. For example, people are vulnerable if, because they're younger or older or have a disability, they:

  • depend on other people, such as caregivers
  • are at a greater risk of being harmed by someone they trust or someone who has authority over them, like a sports coach

The following types of roles require a vulnerable sector check:

  • teachers
  • social workers
  • taxi drivers
  • daycare workers
  • adoptive parents
  • sport coaches

A vulnerable record sector check can include all of the information that's in a criminal record and judicial matters check.

It can include information about convictions for certain crimes that you got a or for. For eample pardoned sex offences.

It can also include information if you were charged with a crime and were found to be not criminally responsible because you had a mental disorder. But this information can't be included if:

  • the finding was more than 5 years ago, or
  • you got an .

Non-conviction information

A vulnerable sector record check can include what's called “non-conviction” information. This means information about certain crimes, even if you were charged but not .

This information can be included only if:

  • the law says that non-conviction information can be given about this crime, for example, crimes that are sexual assaults
  • the person you were of hurting was a child or a vulnerable person
  • there are to believe that you have what the law calls a “pattern of predatory behavior”, which shows that there's a risk you might harm a child or vulnerable person
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